Different financial situations make for different mortgage and refinancing solutions. Learn how your credit score comes into play when it comes to financing or refinancing, find out how to purchase a home when self-employed, and discover about tax deductions homeowners can take advantage of with our personal finance articles.

Image of a couple discussing reverse mortgage options

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

If the word “retirement” resonates with you, you’re not alone. Retirees are enjoying long-awaited travel pursuits, moves to places they’ve been dreaming of and finally being able to check things off their bucket lists. Some of them are paying for these endeavors by taking out a reverse mortgage, which allows certain homeowners to tap into […]

Illustration showing tax forms and calculator for deductions

6 Tax Deductions for Homeowners

Tax season is approaching, offering numerous tax breaks for American homeowners based on their real estate holdings. These deductions, such as mortgage interest, can lead to substantial savings. Understanding these benefits and how to leverage them when filing is crucial for maximizing affordability and rewards in homeownership. Here are the most common tax deductions for […]

Illustration showing self-employed person reviewing financial documents

How to Get a Mortgage Loan When Self-Employed

If you’re buying a home when self-employed, you’ll likely have a more challenging path to getting a mortgage than someone with “traditional” employment. Your mortgage lender will require additional documentation, mainly to help prove that your employment and income are stable and reliable. The good news? With a bit of planning and preparation, you can […]

How to Lower DTI for a Loan

Understanding the three key factors – income, credit history, and debt-to-income ratio (DTI) – is crucial for mortgage eligibility. Income and credit history are commonly known, while DTI measures the portion of your monthly income allocated to debt payments, significantly influencing your mortgage qualification. It’s essential to grasp DTI, as it directly impacts your financial […]

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